Monday 24 September 2012

search marketing - Google News

Google News

09/24/2012 06:43 AM
Search Marketing Expo â€Â" SMX East Opens Next Tuesday in New York City -

PR Web

Search Marketing Expo â€Â" SMX East Opens Next Tuesday in New York City
Search Marketing Expo â€Â" SMX East kicks off next Tuesday, October 2 in New York City. Here's what is in store: • Over 50 conference sessions and keynotes on search engine optimization (SEO), paid search advertising (PPC), local and mobile search, and ...
Pass Options for SMX East; Sessions, Networking and More â€Â" Starts Next Tuesday!Search Engine Land
7Search Announces That it Will be Exhibiting at SMX East (press release)

all 10 news articles »

09/24/2012 08:02 PM
Internet Marketing for Small Businesses Event Now Registering Attendees -

PR Web

Internet Marketing for Small Businesses Event Now Registering Attendees
Part of the Internet marketing information that will be provided at the Internet Marketing for Small Businesses event is teaching how businesses can implement proven strategies normally only available top search engine optimization companies. “It's now ...
Google marketing taught to business
Internet Marketing For Local Business Seminar Teaches Google Domination To ...Daily Markets (press release)
Mobile Marketing Training for Beginners Now Offered (press release)
Marketing Land
all 39 news articles »

09/24/2012 07:44 AM
The Google Dance Is Back - Search Engine Land

PR Web (press release)

The Google Dance Is Back
Search Engine Land
I'm one of several columnists for the Search Marketing Column at Marketing Land that aims to ensure internet marketers are getting the general search education they need. For me, it's especially a chance to stretch out and discuss a broader search ...
How To Test Your Short Term and Long Term Strategies with AnalyticsBusiness 2 Community
High Position Search Engine Marketing Agency Launch New WebsitePR Web (press release)
Los Angeles SEO Training Hosted By Brick MarketingPR Leap (press release) (press release) -MarketWatch (press release)
all 39 news articles »

09/24/2012 01:30 PM
Why Agencies Are Better Equipped To Get Search + Social - MediaPost Communications

Why Agencies Are Better Equipped To Get Search + Social
MediaPost Communications
Rob focuses much of his summary on the survey's finding that “60% of companies treat 'social media and search marketing separately,' as compared to agencies, where 58% state that 'social media is very much a part of our search activity.'” Rob goes on ...

09/24/2012 11:19 AM
Facebook Search Could Become a Social, Local Affair - TechNewsWorld

Facebook Search Could Become a Social, Local Affair
Facebook can't ignore its initiatives with mobile to focus only on search, but its chances for competing in search are significant, said Brian Carter, Internet marketing expert. "I think Facebook has a big opportunity if they take on Google in search ...
Facebook Adding Search History to Activity LogSearch Engine Watch
Facebook to start remembering search queriesVertical Leap News (press release)

all 47 news articles »

09/24/2012 12:08 AM
Job Search Strategy: Transform your job search virally - Times Herald-Record

Job Search Strategy: Transform your job search virally
Times Herald-Record
David Meerman Scott is the best-selling author of "The New Rules of Marketing & PR" and "World Wide Rave" and one of the foremost experts in the world of viral marketing. Is your job search a bit slow? How about taking your job search viral? The ...

09/24/2012 10:25 AM
Google Emails Authorship Confirmations To Bloggers - Search Engine Land

Search Engine Roundtable

Google Emails Authorship Confirmations To Bloggers
Search Engine Land
About The Author: Monica Wright has over 10 years of media and content marketing experience, with a strong focus on driving online audiences for media companies. She serves as the the Community Editor for Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, and ...
Google delivers Authorship messages to establish web writers and bloggersBrafton

all 6 news articles »

09/24/2012 07:11 PM
Nightclub Ideas and Strategy from ByReputation's New Nightclub Promotion ... -

Nightclub Ideas and Strategy from ByReputation's New Nightclub Promotion ...
(PRWEB) September 24, 2012. Nightclub marketing can use ByReputations marketing service with organic search engine optimization, local search directories, and content marketing. To receive a free nightclub marketing consult from an expert, please click ...

and more »

09/24/2012 09:59 AM
Internet marketing news roundup, September 24 - Brafton


Internet marketing news roundup, September 24
Google's 65.7 percent of the market makes it the clear leader in the industry, and most SEO strategies are aimed at performance in the company's search engine. However, Bing's slow but steady growth could make it a focal point for organic search ...

09/18/2012 11:18 PM
Search Marketing & the Fine Art of Nexting - Search Engine Watch

Search Marketing & the Fine Art of Nexting
Search Engine Watch
In “Stumbling on Happiness”, Daniel Gilbert talks a lot about the concept of “nexting.” By this, he means our subconscious habit of predicting what is just about to happen. Without this habit, he points out, we could never experience surprise or ...

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