Monday 29 October 2012

social media - Google News

Google News

10/29/2012 11:01 AM
Hurricane Sandy: New Jersey shares social media reports of flooding, power ... - The Star-Ledger -

The Star-Ledger -

Hurricane Sandy: New Jersey shares social media reports of flooding, power ...
The Star-Ledger -
Hurricane Sandy was still hundreds of miles away from New Jersey, but the storm was already having an effect with high winds and big waves. New Jersey residents were sharing reports from their neighborhoods on social media networks, including Twitter.
Hurricane Sandy: Latest updates via social mediaCBS News
Social Media Connecting Residents, Officials as Hurricane Sandy
Interactive maps show social media activity for Mid-Atlantic regionYork Daily Record
FierceGovernmentIT -Business 2 Community -WBAY
all 12,455 news articles »

10/29/2012 11:29 AM
Protests in China Get a Boost from Social Media - Businessweek

Sydney Morning Herald

Protests in China Get a Boost from Social Media
And the mostly middle-class protestors were not rising up because of past harms, but for fear of the future â€Â" and because, through social media, smartphones, and the Internet, they had gained information about the government's plans and also about the ...
Clubs and cameras: stability preservation in the age of WeiboChina Media Project

all 994 news articles »

10/29/2012 08:49 AM
Facebook Sex Trafficking: Social Network Used To Kidnap Indonesian Girls - Huffington Post


Facebook Sex Trafficking: Social Network Used To Kidnap Indonesian Girls
Huffington Post
It's a click she will forever regret, leading to a brutal story that has repeated itself as sexual predators find new ways to exploit Indonesia's growing obsession with social media. The junior high student was quickly smitten by the man's smooth ...
Facebook used to kidnap, traffic Indonesian

all 299 news articles »

10/29/2012 08:09 AM
WATCH: 60 Seconds of Social Media - Huffington Post (blog)


WATCH: 60 Seconds of Social Media
Huffington Post (blog)
But does social media buzz translate to TV ratings? Nielsen's first social media study last year revealed that a 9 percent increase in social media chatter corresponded to a 1 percent increase in viewership among 18-49-year-olds -- and that wasn't even ...
Why Social Media Has Saved TV AdsForbes

all 2 news articles »

10/29/2012 03:51 AM
As Twitter incidents multiply, Michigan athletes sign social media policy in ... -

As Twitter incidents multiply, Michigan athletes sign social media policy in ...
For college athletes, social media use tends toward the extreme: It's either a blessing or a curse. In the past year, two University of Michigan football players earned their team secondary NCAA violations by inadvertently tweeting at a recruit; a ...

and more »

10/29/2012 09:55 AM
Storm Preparations, Social Media Edition - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

Storm Preparations, Social Media Edition
New York Times (blog)
The streets of Lower Manhattan were deserted on Monday as Wall Street workers took shelter from Hurricane Sandy. But as with any big event in the city, social media sites were buzzing with photographs and other updates about the approaching storm.

10/29/2012 06:07 AM
Social Media a Hotbed of Political Debate, Engagement - For the Good? - PBS MediaShift

PBS MediaShift

Social Media a Hotbed of Political Debate, Engagement - For the Good?
PBS MediaShift
Since the last presidential election in 2008, the proliferation of social media users and mobile devices has brought a corresponding surge in political activities on social networks and Twitter. Two recent surveys from the Pew Research Center confirm ...

10/29/2012 11:42 AM
Earthquake ricochets through social media - Ottawa Citizen

Earthquake ricochets through social media
Ottawa Citizen
Social media was atwitter over the weekend after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake was detected off the west coast of Haida Gwaii Saturday night. Tweets ranged from the useful and informative to the banal and even ludicrous. Earthquakes Canada, a branch of ...

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10/29/2012 09:31 AM
Social media: don't discount the timing - Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Social media: don't discount the timing
Sydney Morning Herald
You know the feeling: a would-be viral social media post you wrote flops, utterly failing to kick up the buzz you foresaw. The reason for the wash-out might not be that your post sucked, it could simply be bad timing. No matter how smart the post you ...
U.S. companies find social media less useful overseasDenver Business Journal (blog)
Integrating Social Media With Business As UsualBusiness 2 Community
Trenton schools set rules for teachers on Facebook, Twitter social media sitesThe Times of Trenton -
Becker's ASC Review -Milford Daily News -Dubai Chronicle
all 29 news articles »

10/29/2012 11:23 AM
NASA Hosts DC Social Media Event with Station Astronaut Joe Acaba - Sacramento Bee

NASA Hosts DC Social Media Event with Station Astronaut Joe Acaba
Sacramento Bee
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- NASA invites its social media followers to a special event with astronaut Joe Acaba from 9 -11:30 a.m. EST Tuesday, Dec. 4. The event will take place in the James E. Webb Memorial Auditorium at NASA ...

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