Tuesday 27 November 2012

social media - Google News

Google News

11/26/2012 10:11 AM
Social Media Has A Black Friday #Fail - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Wall Street Journal (blog)

Social Media Has A Black Friday #Fail
Wall Street Journal (blog)
But here's one notable under-performer in the online shopping frenzy: social media. Given the amount of attention paid by brands and retailers to building up their buzz on social platforms, consumers don't seem to clicking through and buying much: just ...
For the 18th Time, Social Media Marketing Doesn't Suck: How Twitter Drives ...Search Engine Watch
Social media drives little traffic on Black Friday; no worries, says social ...Bizjournals.com (blog)
Social media making people anti-socialNewsDay
phillyBurbs.com (blog) -Equities.com -INDOlink
all 181 news articles »

11/27/2012 07:58 AM
How to Raise Your Social Media Profile - U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report

How to Raise Your Social Media Profile
U.S. News & World Report
"Hiring managers are eavesdropping on social media conversations, doing searches on key words, and seeing what is being talked about," says Jeff Lipschultz, founder of the Southlake, Texas-based recruiting firm A-list Solutions. Here's how to shrewdly ...
High on social mediaDaily Pioneer

all 3 news articles »

11/27/2012 09:46 AM
IDF social-media guru's 'Obama-style' post lands him in hot water - Haaretz


IDF social-media guru's 'Obama-style' post lands him in hot water
But while Dratwa might have been quickly relegated to the “rejected CV” pile over at the Obama social media headquarters, had he applied for a gig - in Israel he managed to get a top job as the IDF's social media guru, in charge of marshaling Twitter, ...
FP Passport: IDF social media director criticized for 'Obama-style' blackface ...Foreign Policy (blog)
Israeli army's social media chief blacks up to go 'Obama-style': Fury at bad ...Daily Mail
The Israeli military's social media guru responds to 'Obama style' blackface ...UPI.com (blog)
Mother Jones (blog) -Gizmodo -Heeb Magazine
all 30 news articles »

11/27/2012 07:12 AM
Startup Messagemind Complements Enterprise Social Media Platforms - eWeek


Startup Messagemind Complements Enterprise Social Media Platforms
Messagemind is the latest entrant in an expanding market for services that build on the enterprise social media platforms of Microsoft's Yammer, Salesforce's Chatter, Jive and other services to deliver added value. Messagemind emerged from stealth mode ...
Messagemind Unveils New Enterprise Social Intelligence PlatformSYS-CON Media (press release)

all 6 news articles »

11/27/2012 10:46 AM
Facebook: The Terrible Social-Media Service We're Stuck With -- For Now - SF Weekly (blog)

Facebook: The Terrible Social-Media Service We're Stuck With -- For Now
SF Weekly (blog)
The network effect then took over, and now it's the biggest social-media service -- one that many people feel they are stuck with if they want to be on social media at all. That network effect is a powerful thing. Vastly superior services can be ...

and more »

11/26/2012 08:41 AM
FBI scours Twitter, other social media for insider trading evidence - San Jose Mercury News


FBI scours Twitter, other social media for insider trading evidence
San Jose Mercury News
The FBI sees social media as a potential breeding ground for securities fraud, and has agents scouring Twitter and Facebook for tips, according to two top agents overseeing a long-running investigation into insider trading in the $2 trillion hedge fund ...
Report: FBI Probing Social Media to Sniff Out Securities FraudPC Magazine
FBI uses social media to catch securities fraudExaminer.com
FBI combing social media such as Twitter and Facebook to look for securities fraudOpalesque
ITProPortal -KMBZ -Mashable
all 60 news articles »

11/27/2012 08:46 AM
How Social Media Is Changing The Enterprise and Politics - Forbes

How Social Media Is Changing The Enterprise and Politics
I just got off the phone from a protestor in Madrid who talked about the amorphous nature of social media protest â€Â" there is no head for a Government to cut off. There is a profound change going on around us that has yet to percolate far enough above ...

11/27/2012 11:49 AM
Researchers Explore Social Media as Preventative Method for Infectious Diseases - Bioscience Technology

Researchers Explore Social Media as Preventative Method for Infectious Diseases
Bioscience Technology
When it comes to stopping illness, social media posts and tweets may be just what the doctor ordered. A Kansas State University-led research team is looking at social media as a tool to reduce and prevent diseases from spreading. Researchers are ...

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11/27/2012 05:57 AM
Social Media And The Boardroom: Critical Questions Directors Need To Ask - Fast Company

Fast Company

Social Media And The Boardroom: Critical Questions Directors Need To Ask
Fast Company
Social media are no longer novel stakeholder and consumer outreach tools; they are the new normal in the modern business operations environment. The brand-building opportunities they present are nearly limitless. The risks they introduce are just as ...

11/27/2012 09:15 AM
STRATA Survey: Emerging Social Media Platforms Growing Market Share With ... - Sacramento Bee

STRATA Survey: Emerging Social Media Platforms Growing Market Share With ...
Sacramento Bee
As the popularity of social media continues to grow, the pool of advertising industry holdouts continues to shrink. In 3Q12, only 8.1% of marketers surveyed were not utilizing social media, a decrease compared to 8.5% in 2Q12 and 10.3% in 1Q12. 11.3 ...

and more »

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