Saturday 15 December 2012

social media - Google News

Google News

12/15/2012 02:39 PM
Social media conversation on Newtown: 'I don't normally post about politics ... - CNN International

Social media conversation on Newtown: 'I don't normally post about politics ...
CNN International
Watch CNN's LIVE TV coverage of the Connecticut elementary school shooting as the story continues to unfold. (CNN) -- Social media is boiling with talk about Friday's massacre at a school in Newtown, Connecticut. That's no surprise. But there is ...
Gun-Control Groups Rally in Wake of Shooting, But Lag Far Behind
Social Media's Reaction to ShootingNew America Media (blog)
The NRA vanishes from social media after Connecticut school
The Drum
all 601 news articles »

12/15/2012 11:23 PM
Local view: Social media overdose can be deadly - Duluth News Tribune

Local view: Social media overdose can be deadly
Duluth News Tribune
Social networking is like a drug. Are you high on YouTube videos or addicted to Facebook stalking? Do you get a buzz from sending out tweets? Many partake in some form of social media, and some of us engage in it too often. Social media accounts for ...

and more »

12/15/2012 08:18 AM
Social Media Responds to Newtown Shootings - ABC News

ABC News

Social Media Responds to Newtown Shootings
ABC News
Social media users immediately took to Twitter and Facebook to express their shock at the shooting. Twitter was filled with messages of support for the Newtown community. Some called for stricter gun control laws while others expressed disgust with the ...
Social media quick to judge, slow to absolve shooter's brother - Technology on (blog)
Tragedy sparks social media debateBayoubuzz
On social media: Local reaction to Conn. school shootingKansas City Star
Fast Company -The Flint Journal - -Marin Independent-Journal
all 24,311 news articles »

12/15/2012 08:37 AM
Social Media: The Newest Designer Drug - Mashable (blog)

Social Media: The Newest Designer Drug
This just in: People really like using social media to interact. Oh wait, you probably already knew that. In fact, you're probably one of those people. To put it in perspective, there are about 7 billion people on the planet. Facebook signed up one ...
Social media 2012: the good, the bad and the Taylor-made... - Lifestyle ...Irish Independent
Sandy Hook and Facebook: A Nation Grieves through Social (blog)
Reporting On Social Media EngagementSearch Engine Land
The Age -GhanaWeb -MediaPost Communications
all 90 news articles »

12/15/2012 05:59 PM
Top 10 Most Popular Celebrities on Social Media - Mashable

Top 10 Most Popular Celebrities on Social Media
Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber edged out Lady Gaga to take the title of reigning social-media king this week. With nearly 31.5 million Twitter followers, close to 49 million Facebook fans, and 3.2 billion views on his YouTube channel, Bieber tops the ...

12/15/2012 05:26 PM
Mass Shooting and Social Media | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather ... - WKBW-TV

Mass Shooting and Social Media | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather ...
BUFFALO (WKBW) Following the horrific mass shooting in Connecticut, people around the world reacted in real time, using social media and the internet to share their thoughts, feelings, and more. "I think a lot of people just want answers and they're ...

12/14/2012 08:00 PM Hottest Place to Shop - ABC News

ABC News Hottest Place to Shop
ABC News
Conversely, social networking played a smaller role than many thought in Cyber Monday shopping; according to IBM, social media only accounted for 0.53 percent of all online sales. A Store Built for the iPad and iPhone. But just as droves of people are ...

12/14/2012 12:21 PM
Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation - Forbes

Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation
But whether the ever-changing nature of online networking gets you excited or makes you long for the days of snail-mail marketing, there's no question that social media is worth the effort. “A survey of 600 small business owners across the United ...

12/14/2012 09:43 PM
Social Media Strategy Was Crucial as Transit Agencies Coped With Hurricane - New York Times

New York Times

Social Media Strategy Was Crucial as Transit Agencies Coped With Hurricane
New York Times
The rider was growing more and more frustrated. Again and again, her questions were met with virtual silence. It was like waiting for a bus that never came, which was in fact what she had been doing.

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12/15/2012 04:42 PM
Online shopping expands to include the "social" in social media - Economic Times

Economic Times

Online shopping expands to include the "social" in social media
Economic Times
Experts suggest that social commerce sites are leveraging the rise of online social networking to drive sales. "Social media has become quite powerful. The network effect or power of suggestion gets multiplied at such a prolific level that it has a ...

and more »

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