Sunday 24 February 2013

social media - Google News

Google News

02/24/2013 09:09 AM
Oscars expand social media outreach for 85th show - Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Inquirer

Oscars expand social media outreach for 85th show
Philadelphia Inquirer also offers other behind-the-scenes interactive features, including various backstage camera perspectives and a new live blog that aggregates the show's presence across social media. It will track the traffic on whatever makes a splash, like ...
Billy Crystal: "With social media, everybody who can press 'send' is a critic" News
Oscar Performances and Speeches Will Be Online Minutes After Airing on TVMashable

all 1,774 news articles »

02/24/2013 09:16 AM
Social Media Beyond Facebook: Joining The $1 Trillion Fight Against Cancer - Seeking Alpha

Social Media Beyond Facebook: Joining The $1 Trillion Fight Against Cancer
Seeking Alpha
What the rebound and recent decline of Facebook (FB) has revealed to investors is not only that there are profits to be made in the social media sector, but that niche players such as LinkedIn (LNKD) and Viratech (VIRA.PK) have much more to offer to ...

02/24/2013 06:21 AM
CSE Sports Marketing Symposium / Social Media & Sports Series - SportsBusiness Daily (subscription)

CSE Sports Marketing Symposium / Social Media & Sports Series
SportsBusiness Daily (subscription)

02/23/2013 04:50 PM
Social Media Predicts Oscar Winners - Mashable


Social Media Predicts Oscar Winners
With the Oscars 2013 broadcast less than a day away, everyone's wondering who will win. Social media has an answer, and we've compiled the data into the infographic, below. The Meltwater Group has been tracking social media for the past month, ...
If you trust social media, here are this year's Oscar winnersGeek
The Oscars, Social Media Buzz, and Advertising [Infographics] (subscription)

all 4 news articles »

02/23/2013 02:11 PM
Social media concerns abound at the combine - ESPN


Social media concerns abound at the combine
Manti Te'o Joe Robbins/Getty Images While Manti Te'o is the most notorious catfishing victim, reporters at the NFL combine have been catfished themselves after being duped by social media regarding the time of the highly anticipated press conference of ...
Manti Te'o causing NFL teams to mine social media moreUSA TODAY
Te'o saga has NFL teams scouring social mediaGreen Bay Press Gazette
Social Media New Source of Player
Chicago Tribune -SB Nation -First Coast News
all 457 news articles »

02/23/2013 03:01 PM
Confessions of a Social Media Maniac - Huffington Post

Confessions of a Social Media Maniac
Huffington Post
Now my basis for establishing a social network connection with someone is a mixture of curiosity, boredom, and conceit. I make sure to share a random news story once in a while to seem aware of the world around me and make a deep, thoughtful status ...

02/23/2013 12:52 PM
Read About All Things Social Media With 'Social Media Insights' - Business Insider

Read About All Things Social Media With 'Social Media Insights'
Business Insider
Catch up on the latest social media news with Social Media Insights, a daily email newsletter that tracks how new products and developments in social media are changing the face of e-commerce, advertising, product discovery, and more. Signing up is ...

02/23/2013 10:11 PM
For a Lenten fast: give up social media? - Pittsburgh Post Gazette

For a Lenten fast: give up social media?
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
So it's no surprise that some are giving up social media. Posting the Instagram of a friend's dog wearing a popcorn bag over its head is just going to have to wait until March 31. "I really tried to think about what could be really hard for me," said ...

02/24/2013 07:36 AM
Social Media Morning Line - Arkansas Times (blog)

Arkansas Times (blog)

Social Media Morning Line
Arkansas Times (blog)
*BEST TWEET OF THE SESSION: From Rep. John Burris: "@DavyCarter is such a one-upper. I've only got a bungee cord in my Impala." (See Friday and Saturday night open lines for context). *FLIP FLOPS AND A .45: From Rep. Nate Bell's Facebook page, ...

02/24/2013 01:13 AM
Chico consultant helps small businesses survive social media jungle - Enterprise-Record

Chico consultant helps small businesses survive social media jungle
Newly founded in Chico, Social High Rise has earned two injections of local angel investments. Company founder Mark Sorenson of Chico is just starting the company, although it's not his first encounter with operating a business or handling social media.

and more »

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