Sunday 3 March 2013

social media - Google News

Google News

03/03/2013 04:04 PM
Chidambaram to use social media to defend 2013-14 Budget - Times of India

Times of India

Chidambaram to use social media to defend 2013-14 Budget
Times of India
The government has faced a massive onslaught on social media in the past few months over various issues. On several occasions, it has grappled to come to terms with new media. But now it has taken steps to use the medium to its advantage and spread its ...
Grill Chidambaram on social media todayDeccan Chronicle
#asktheFM: Chidambaram to hang out with netizensHindustan Times

all 1,036 news articles »

03/03/2013 03:48 AM
Twitter's Box-Office Smash - Daily Beast

Daily Beast

Twitter's Box-Office Smash
Daily Beast
The producers of Girl Rising, a 100-minute film featuring nine stories of heroic girls from around the world, concluded that they would circumvent the traditional route of theater distribution and rely instead on social-media tools â€Â" Facebook, Twitter ...

and more »

03/03/2013 10:33 AM
Social media playing an increasing role in election campaigns - The Nation

Business 2 Community

Social media playing an increasing role in election campaigns
The Nation
The Bangkok governor election showed that social media has become deeply embedded in politics, serving not only as a timely communications channel between candidates and constituents but also as a comprehensive news source for the mass media and ...
Advisers benefit from "listening" on social mediaReuters
Social media expert offers advice for businessesTyler Morning Telegraph
10 Women That Rock Our Social Media World!Business 2 Community
Washington Post -Helena Independent Record -Castleford Media (blog)
all 56 news articles »

03/03/2013 10:15 PM
U, other orgs. take on social media, but consumers still run the conversation - Minnesota Daily

U, other orgs. take on social media, but consumers still run the conversation
Minnesota Daily
Social media played a large role at the University of Minnesota's annual legislative briefing at the end of January. Attendees were encouraged to voice their support for the University on social media. About 35 students armed with iPads acted as social ...

03/03/2013 04:03 PM
Which Social Media Sites Are Hot, and Which Not? - Small Business Trends

Which Social Media Sites Are Hot, and Which Not?
Small Business Trends
You only have so much time for social media sites, to create a business presence on them. So it's important to pick and choose where to spend your limited time and resources. That said, where should you spend your time? Exactly which social media sites ...

03/03/2013 06:29 AM
From motivation to slander: How social media leverages shame for better and ... - Digital Trends

Digital Trends

From motivation to slander: How social media leverages shame for better and ...
Digital Trends
Shame is a powerful motivator. If you know people will judge you for your behavior, you tend to try harder to do things the right way. Combine it with social media, which lets you broadcast the minutiae of your life to the world, and you've got a ...

03/03/2013 10:21 PM
Voting updates flood social media - The Standard Digital News

Voting updates flood social media
The Standard Digital News
Kenyans have taken to social media to while away the long hours on the voting queues as they wait for the chance to cast their ballots. From as early as 3:00am, Tweeters were giving live updates about the state of affairs at their various polling stations.

03/02/2013 10:49 AM
'Zombies' infest Yale social network account - USA TODAY

'Zombies' infest Yale social network account
That's "zombies" as in "zombie followers" on Sina Weibo â€Â" the hugely popular "weibo," or microblogging, site that's roughly akin to Twitter and has attracted more than 500 million followers since debuting in 2009. A common feature on Chinese social ...

and more »

03/03/2013 05:15 PM
Ohio Senate To Consider Social Networking Bill - 10TV

Ohio Senate To Consider Social Networking Bill
A state senator has proposed a change in Ohio law which would keep current and prospective employers from prying into the social media accounts of employees and applicants. Charleta Tavares, D-Columbus, said some companies pressure people for ...

03/03/2013 08:14 PM
Social media split over Harlem Shake miners - The West Australian

The West Australian

Social media split over Harlem Shake miners
The West Australian
Social media opinion is divided across Australia, over 15 mine workers who were sacked for performing the Harlem Shake dance craze underground and posting a video of it. Up to 15 Barminco workers at the Agnew gold mine in the Goldfields were fired for ...

and more »

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