Thursday 18 April 2013

mobile marketing - Google News

Google News

04/16/2013 01:22 PM
Mobile Marketing on Facebook - TIME

EndGame Public Relations

Mobile Marketing on Facebook
Still, unless you've tapped into mobile marketing, you're missing out on the most active pool of Facebook fans. A study by the Group shows that of the small businesses who embrace mobile marketing, more than 80 percent have seen an increase in ...
Facebook Smartphone Use Increases on WeekendsMad Mobile News

all 99 news articles »

04/18/2013 10:57 AM
Leaked iPhone Image Fuels Speculation - Mobile Marketing Watch

Leaked iPhone Image Fuels Speculation
Mobile Marketing Watch
New images surfaced online overnight that reportedly show what is believed to be the so-called budget iPhone model â€Â" a low-cost iPhone designed to win over customers in emerging mobile markets where the regular iPhone still carries too much of a ...

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04/18/2013 09:19 PM
Here's What's Happening in mHealth Right Now - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

Here's What's Happening in mHealth Right Now
Mobile Marketing Watch
This week, Simplee is busy touting the launch of its new mobile app which enables users to manage and pay all of their family's medical bills through a smartphone. Mobile Health Care Apps Growing Fast in Number. The rate at which mobile health care ...

04/18/2013 08:45 AM
eBay Sees Big Boost in Mobile App Users in Q1 - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

eBay Sees Big Boost in Mobile App Users in Q1
Mobile Marketing Watch
eBay Sees Big Boost in Mobile App Users in Q1 300x126 eBay Sees Big Boost in On Thursday morning, global commerce platform and payments giant eBay reported revenue for the first quarter ended March 31, 2013. All told, revenue spiked 14% to $3.7 ...
EBay's Strong User Growth Offers Catalysts for 2013 -
eBay's Mobile And Global Push Delivers Solid GrowthTrefis
eBay Earnings Call Insights: Growth Guidance and Marketing AnalysisWall St. Cheat Sheet
all 101 news articles »

04/18/2013 03:15 PM
MoPub Reports Spike in Q1 Mobile Ad Spending - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

MoPub Reports Spike in Q1 Mobile Ad Spending
Mobile Marketing Watch
MoPub Reports Spike in Q1 Mobile Ad Spending On Thursday, MoPub â€Â" a global ad server for smartphone app publishers â€Â" released a comprehensive new quarterly report showcasing 2013 Q1 trends in mobile advertising monetization and demand for ...
Report: iPhone Regains Impression Lead, iPad Generating 12 Pct Of Mobile Ad ...Marketing Land
Mobile commerce most popular among iOS consumers - Mobile Commerce PressMobile Commerce Press

all 58 news articles »

04/18/2013 02:10 PM
Tatango: When Should SMS Be on a Restaurant's Marketing Menu? - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

Tatango: When Should SMS Be on a Restaurant's Marketing Menu?
Mobile Marketing Watch
Tatango When Should SMS Be on a Restaurants Marketing Menu 300x187 Tatango: When Should SMS This week, Derek Johnson, founder & CEO of Tatango, shared some interesting insights on the official Tatango blog. SMS/text message marketing has ...

04/18/2013 07:16 AM
India Critical to the Future of Smartphones - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

India Critical to the Future of Smartphones
Mobile Marketing Watch
India Critical to the Future of Smartphones 300x200 India Critical to the Future of Smartphones Remember the old days when India was referred to as a nation in which smartphones will “one day” be very popular and profitable? Well, that “one day” is now ...

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04/18/2013 09:25 PM
Verizon Is Apple's Best Mobile Market Ally: 10 Reasons Why - - eWeek


Verizon Is Apple's Best Mobile Market Ally: 10 Reasons Why -
More importantly, that relationship might turn out to be one of the central pieces of Apple's ability to succeed over the long term in the mobile market. Right now, Verizon appears to be Apple's best ally, selling millions of iPhones and not trying to ...
Verizon Reports Strong Smartphone SalesMobile Marketing Watch
Verizon's new phone upgrade policy draws scrutinyCNET

all 158 news articles »

04/18/2013 08:40 PM
Social Media Can Kill… Says George Soros - Mobile Marketing Watch

Mobile Marketing Watch

Social Media Can Kill… Says George Soros
Mobile Marketing Watch
Best Practices · Legal · Mobile Spam · Privacy · mHealth · Mobile Advertising · Mobile Advertising Campaigns · Mobile Marketing · Agencies · Casino Mobile Apps · Idle Screen Marketing · LBS · Licensing · Marketing Strategy · Mobile Analytics · Mobile ...

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04/18/2013 03:57 PM
FTC Hunting Down SMS Scammers - Mobile Marketing Watch


FTC Hunting Down SMS Scammers
Mobile Marketing Watch
In the last two years, regulators have found that hundreds of thousands of mobile phone users have been charged for “premium text” services that they did not authorize, a practice known as bill cramming. According to comprehensive coverage provided ...
Bill Cramming Becomes A Mobile ProblemPersonal Liberty Digest
US Accuses Company of Adding Mobile FeesNew York Times
FTC moves to shut down cell phone 'cramming' - Asian

all 25 news articles »

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